CherryZZZ Research Study

Not sleeping right? Try cherries at night! 

Are you or someone you know over the age of 65 and having trouble sleeping? Come join the CherryZZZ study at the Harvard Affiliated Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research at Hebrew SeniorLife located in Boston, Massachusetts. 

What does the study involve?

The goal of this study is to see how drinking tart cherry juice may impact sleep in older adults. The study will involve a total of 7 study visits over 12 weeks. Participants will be asked to consume a tart cherry juice for 4 weeks and a placebo juice for 4 weeks. All study participants will consume both juices. Participants will also be asked to wear a study watch that tracks their sleep data throughout the study. Study visits will include health questionnaires, diet records, 4 blood draws, 4 urine samples as well as some optional assessments. Participants can earn up to $550 when completing all study visits and optional assessments. Parking/transportation can be provided for the study. 

Contact us

For more information please contact the study team to learn more at (617)-971-5431 or

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Study Faculty

View Marcus Institute researchers leading the CherryZZZ Research Study

Photo of Courtney Millar, Assistant Scientist at the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research in Boston, MA

Courtney Millar, PhD

  • Assistant Scientist II
  • Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Research Areas

A researcher at the Marcus Institute for Aging Research in Boston, MA holds a vial of blood.

Biomarkers and Genetics

As precision medicine enters the mainstream of clinical care, Marcus Institute researchers are working to advance the understanding of disease biomarkers and genetics.

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A research subject at the Marcus Institute for Aging Research stands on a measuring platform with a computer read-out reflected on the wall behind.

Physical Health and Function

Through the Marcus Institute’s research we are learning how older adults can maintain independence and quality of life.

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