Synbiotic to Attenuate Resorption of the Skeleton (STARS)

Volunteers needed for a clinical trial to promote Better Bone Health

Did You Know? 

There are two phases of bone loss in women, the bone loss that occurs around the time of menopause and the ongoing bone loss that occurs well beyond menopause. 
We are testing whether capsules containing probiotics and plant fiber will keep your bones healthy.

Contact Us

For more information on what is involved and how to participate  in this study, contact the site study coordinator: Evelyn O’Neill at (617) 971-5800 or email

This study is being led by Dr. Shivani Sahni PhD & Dr. Douglas Kiel, MD MPH at the 
Marcus Institute on Aging Research Hebrew SeniorLife.

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Study Faculty

View Marcus Institute researchers leading the Synbiotic to Attenuate Resorption of the Skeleton (STARS)

Photo of Shivani Sahni, PhD at the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research in Boston, MA

Shivani Sahni, PhD

  • Associate Scientist
  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • Director, Nutrition Program
Photo of Doug Kiel, MD at the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research in Boston, MA

Douglas P. Kiel, MD, MPH

  • Senior Scientist
  • Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Research Areas

A researcher at the Marcus Institute for Aging Research in Boston, MA holds a vial of blood.

Biomarkers and Genetics

As precision medicine enters the mainstream of clinical care, Marcus Institute researchers are working to advance the understanding of disease biomarkers and genetics.

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A research subject at the Marcus Institute for Aging Research stands on a measuring platform with a computer read-out reflected on the wall behind.

Physical Health and Function

Through the Marcus Institute’s research we are learning how older adults can maintain independence and quality of life.

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